With this query in the main menu “HACCP Export" it is possible to create a report, based on all available datasets. In the query all known hazards are summed and displayed in a table later.
Manage Group
After clicking the bottom "HACCP Export" a window opens with the two options "Add Food” and “Manage Group”. First a new group is created by pressing the button. This group will be free named (e.g. example) and in each group many foods can added, which can then be exported later in a table. Each group can be expanded by adding new foods, renamed or even deleted. This profile is stored individually for each user and can always be re-created on, so that a reassessment can be done at a later date.
Adding food
Before foods are added, a shortlist will be taken to be accessed which data, "Food" and / or "contact materials" and / or "feed". The taken choice and the changes are subsequently stored.
When adding food a window opens in which all results will be displayed, in which the entered word is mentioned. In an attached list all other foods are reported, in which the selected term is in the record, but is not included in the food itself. Thus, even more food for export is loaded. The obtained results can be customized by setting a check to add.
If the choice of food is completed, the HACCP Export can be started. The output is an Excel file that can then be extended again individually by own hazards.
Grouping of food and start of the HACCP Export
Due to the number of notifications it can be useful to group individual food / animal feed. These self-assembled groups may also be rescinded at will. By the formation of groups, it becomes possible to query at similar or similar foodstuffs, the known hazards as a sum.
If the selection is completed, the Export for HACCP can be limited to a period, and then the query can be started. The output is an Excel file. Due to the large amount of data it is useful to manage the requested food / feed into several smaller groups.
Tip: It is recommended for viewing the food and especially the foods that also contain an additional search term query via the main menu "Search" to start, because in this view are the details visible. That is a good way to determine whether these results are to be classified as relevant.
As an example of a HACCP export the query for honey is presented. The risk class E5 results from the risk matrix (see: Example of a risk environment).
Example of a HACCP-Plan for honey (Excerpt). The data output was limited by the 01.01.2003 - 11.07.2012 (creation). The available reports for organic honey varieties were queried as a group.
The representation in the column “known hazards” is chosen so that the results are sorted in descending order of responses and are given the number of hits behind the known hazards in a square bracket. To any known risk in each case, the countries of origin are given, which are also sorted in descending order in the relevant field. Column five gives color to the risk category in which, as noted in the query ”Query for known hazards” section (see explanation is with the theme: Example of a risk landscape). The column RL 2 calculates the risk class for the whole raw materials (food), but here summed up for the food (see also the discussion under the theme: " HACCP for export of raw materials.
In this case, the query result as “E5” and thus a critical risk level is assigned to 4th in the box “measures to control hazards” can now individually the measures to any known hazard be entered , which contribute to the risk determined to take control. The attached list of the recommended instructions should be a help to make that posed by honey identified critical risk control.
The measures for the known risk “antibiotics: streptomycin”, could look like this:
Background information on streptomycin in honey
The antibiotic streptomycin is now mainly used to combat fire blight, caused by bacteria (Erwinia amylovora) in pome fruit trees. Streptomycin is most effective against well flower infections that must be avoided to reduce the fire burns. Streptomycin has obviously the most efficient of all currently approved antibiotics for the control of fire blight. Since streptomycin under environmental conditions degrades completely, it must not be declared. The main entry of streptomycin made be the bees direct hit. Streptomycin in honey is almost indefinitely stable. The use of streptomycin is carried out under strict conditions. The use is allowed only limited during the flowering season, and only purchase fruit growing and producing crops of stone fruit. The use must be documented.
Honey is valid for a tolerance level of 10 mg / kg as contaminated. The limit is 20 mg / kg. In Germany there were very many exceedances in 2008, mainly in Baden-Wuerttemberg. With more than 50% of the entire sample values were determined well above the limit. The highest value was 114 mg / kg analyzed, i.e., the 14-fold increase. But also from abroad (especially Mexico, Romania and Argentina), there are many limits, which are exceeded, which must be given particular attention. Several tons of honey and foods made from it will be eliminated."
The measures should then be determined for all other risks.